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    The Wonders of Sorrel

    Have you seen this plant growing near you? I've known Sheep Sorrel as a delicious and nutritious edible for some time now, but recently uncovered research showing it as a powerful ally in treating cancer. A 2012 study in Hungary showed that Sorrel inhibited cancerous cell growth by at least 50%. It is believed to destroy cancer cells and inhibit metastasis as well as purify the blood, and as such is the main ingredient in Essiac Tea. Sheep Sorrel is high in vitamins A and C as well as other nutrients, and may be one of the most powerful anti-oxidants known. It is also used for sinusitis, urinary tract diseases, digestion problems, and liver inflammation. Sorrel has a rich history of medicinal and culinary use spanning centuries. It can be eaten raw, is delicious added to salads and soups, and makes a powerful medicinal tea infusion. (It does contain oxalic acid and those with kidney ailments should use caution). I encourage you to do your own research if using it for treating illness. As for me, I'll keep on munching on this delicious sour green and marveling at the miracles growing right under our noses!


    2012 Study, Hungary:

    2006 Study, U.S.


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